Risti valus spin

Magnetiseerimise dünaamika mõõtmine Aeg-lahutatud magnetoptilised Kerri efekti TR-MOKE mõõtmised viidi läbi toatemperatuuril, kasutades Ti: safiirvõimendi laserit, mille keskmine lainepikkus oli nm, impulsi kestus fs ja kordumissagedus 1 kHz. Siin on taustsignaal. On näidatud, et PMA-seadmetel on tasapinnaliste omadega võrreldes suured eelised, sealhulgas tugev termiline stabiilsus ja madal kriitiline lülitusvoolu tihedus 1, 2.

Nesvorny, David; Carruba, Valerio; Vokrouhlicky, David The Karin family formed by a collisional breakup of a ~km parent asteroid only 5.

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The young age can be demonstrated by Risti valus spin integrating the orbits of Karin family members backward in time and showing the convergence of orbital elements. Previous work has pointed out that the convergence is not ideal if the backward integration only accounts for the gravitational perturbations from the Solar System planets. It improves when the thermal radiation force known as the Yarkovsky effect is accounted for.

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This method can be used to estimate the spin obliquities of Karin family members. The measured magnitude of the effect is consistent with the standard YORP model.

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The surface thermal conductivity is found to be 0. These results are consistent with surfaces composed of rough and rocky regolith.

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The obliquity values predicted here for members Risti valus spin the Karin cluster can be validated by the lightcurve inversion method. In broader context, the bimodal distribution of obliquities in the Karin cluster can be thought as an initial stage of dynamical evolution that later leads to a characteristically bi-lobed distribution of family members in the semimajor axis e.

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