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Euroopa Liit Siseareng Germany and France are ready to restart their twin-engine EU motor, as Paris prepares to assume the bloc's presidency, according to European officials. Berlin and Paris have launched intense dialogue on key EU issues, from energy to agriculture, while seeking to overcome tensions between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Several working groups from the two European powers have been set up to harmonize positions on key dossiers during France's six-month turn at the EU helm which begins July 1, according to diplomats from both nations.

One of the priorities for the EU is cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and France and Germany have promised to work to implement an agreement between all 27 EU member states by the end of the year. One issue which will need to be resolved is Berlin's complaint that the planned rules on car emissions favour the smaller French-made vehicles over the larger gas-guzzling German brands.

In the farm sector, agriculture ministers from both Slash valu parast paikest oppose British attempts to slash the EU's massive farm subsidies system - which eats up 40 percent of EU spending and of which France is the biggest benefactor. There are also talks on European security, though Germany is awaiting detailed proposals from President Sarkozy. The French leader has proposed fully reintegrating into NATO's military Slash valu parast paikest, which his country left inon condition that Europe's defensive capabilities are boosted.

Kouchner's Slash valu parast paikest of French willingness to work together was in part a Kuidas eemaldada poletiku peal to German media concerns over some of France's other ideas for European policies.

Berlin is a staunch defender of the European Central Bank while France complains that its role in keeping down inflation is threatening exports by keeping the euro artificially high. Also the way Sarkozy recently launched a Mediterranean Union project was greeted with dismay by Chancellor Merkel as the idea was to reinforce cooperation between southern Mediterranean nations and their EU counterparts on the coast, thereby excluding Germany.

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Sarkozy modified the scheme to include all EU nations. The EU 27 approved a vastly watered-down scheme last month, though details will be hammered out ahead of the first EU summit with France at the helm which will take place in Paris on July Slash valu parast paikest official added that the efforts to launch the EU's traditional French-German engine Slash valu parast paikest not aimed at the other member states.

European diplomats questioned showed little concern at the reinforced cooperation, on the contrary.

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Afp, The former Soviet republic is demanding assurances on Russian energy supplies, judicial cooperation and policy towards frozen conflicts in other former Soviet states. Vaitiekunas said he hoped for a compromise. But when asked whether he was confident that a deal on the mandate could be reached in time to launch negotiations with Russia before a June summit in Siberia, he did not reply.

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The EU ministers meanwhile broke another lengthy deadlock by agreeing to sign an agreement on closer ties with Serbia, but not to start ratifying or implementing it until Belgrade proves it is cooperating fully to apprehend key Slash valu parast paikest crimes suspects. Most countries in the member bloc are anxious to begin early talks on a wide-ranging trade and political partnership agreement with energy-rich Russia and are pressing Lithuania to agree to launching the talks.

HEEL liigeide valu is important that the EU maximizes the unity that we've seen over recent months in our relationship with Russia.

It wants an EU negotiating mandate to take account of its concerns over energy supplies from Russia and cooperation from Moscow in investigating crime. It also wants a Russian commitment to solving what are known as frozen conflicts with breakaway areas in other former Soviet republics, notably Georgia and Moldova.

The EU's Slovenian Presidency had originally wanted ministers to Slash valu parast paikest the mandate for the Slash valu parast paikest talks without discussion but Lithuania' objections led ministers to agree at the start of the meeting to discuss it, an EU diplomat said. It made last week new proposals aimed at winning Lithuania's support.

Reuters, We've opened negotiations in two fresh policy areas and we expect more soon. However, we're late in adopting EU laws," Vesna Pusic, a senior opposition leader who chairs the parliamentary EU accession monitoring committee told Reuters.

The EC said in March, after Zagreb agreed to suspend a protected fisheries zone in the Adriatic for EU countries, which Croatia could wrap up accession talks by November if it met all conditions.

Those include reform of the slow judiciary and oversized public administration, fight against corruption, overhaul of loss-making shipyards and severe cuts in state subsidies. However, we've yet to see the pace of two, in my view, most difficult reforms - shipbuilding and judiciary," Pusic said in an interview. She said the judiciary, burdened by a huge backlog of unresolved cases, was the toughest nut to crack.

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Simply put, it just does not function properly". She said the government must speed up adoption of legislation. In the first quarter we harmonized only 12 out of 27 planned laws, while in the second quarter we have another 69 to adopt.

Croatia has to meet by July the benchmarks the EU set for opening talks in the demanding areas of competition policy and judiciary. The benchmarks include detailed plans for shipyard restructuring and judiciary reform.

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There are altogether 35 policy areas in negotiations. Zagreb has so far opened 18 of them and closed only two.

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In case Zagreb fails to complete the talks in and join in orfurther accession timetable remains unclear as the Commission will step down and the new one take over after the election for the EP in the summer The amendment, softening the infamous Article of the penal code, was adopted with the support of MPs in the member house after an eight-hour debate that went on through the night amid fierce Slash valu parast paikest from nationalist deputies.

Under the amendment, "Turkishness" - a term criticized as too broad and vague - was replaced with the "Turkish nation" and the envisaged jail term lessened from three to two years. The sentence can be suspended automatically or converted to a fine.

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In a bid to make the conditions for trials more difficult, the provision now requires the justice minister's approval before prosecutors can launch cases. A clause calling for increased sanctions if the offence is committed abroad was removed from the law. Article has mainly targeted people contesting the official line on the WW I massacres of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire.

Many countries have recognized the killings as genocide. Dozens of intellectuals, including Nobel literature laureate Orhan Pamuk and slain ethnic Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, have been tried under the article. Some were convicted, but their sentences were suspended and no one has been jailed so far, but activists say the existence of the article itself is a way of suppressing freedom of expression.

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Article achieved particular notoriety when Dink, who argued that the Armenian massacres constituted genocide, was prosecuted three times, receiving a six-month suspended Slash valu parast paikest in He was shot Nii et liigesed ei kahjustanud retsepti in January by an ultra-nationalist gunman.

The EU, which Turkey is seeking to join, has long criticized the law as a threat to freedom of speech. EC chief Jose Manuel Barroso said during a visit to Ankara this month that the amendment plan was "a step in the right direction. Turkish activists, backed by prominent writers, journalists and academics, have launched a campaign for the abolition of Article and plan to present a petition to parliament in June. Critics say other laws pose an equal threat to free speech, pointing at provisions penalizing remarks deemed to be "terrorist propaganda," or denigrating the legacy of Turkey's founder Ataturk, alienating people from military service and inciting hatred among the population.

The EU has repeatedly warned Turkey that respect for free speech will be a test of its commitment to align with the bloc's democratic norms. Turkey has so far opened accession talks in only six of the 35 policy areas candidates are required to Slash valu parast paikest amid a trade row over Cyprus and strong opposition to its membership in Slash valu parast paikest EU countries. The three-page document, which the Telegraph said it had obtained, warns that "critical military gaps remain to be filled" with regard to the alliance's mission there.

As part of a list of items described as "critical areas to fill", the document says NATO needs an extra three infantry battalions in Afghanistan, as well as additional helicopters, aircraft and training teams to better equip the Afghan army.

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According to the Telegraph, the document also raises concerns about what will happen when 2, US Marines are withdrawn from southern Afghanistan in November. Karzai, government ministers, former warlords, diplomats and the military top brass ducked for cover after gunfire sounded at the event to mark the 16th anniversary of the fall of the Afghan communist government to the mujahideen.

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Karzai later addressed the nation on state television. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack and said three of its fighters were killed. British ambassador Sherard Cowper-Coles was standing on the front row of the dais alongside the U. I saw an explosion and a puff of dust to the left of the parade and then heard the crackle of small-arms fire from all directions," he told Reuters. NATO condemned the attack and said it would make no difference to the alliance's involvement in Afghanistan.

The Taliban fire appeared to come from a building a few hundred metres from the site, a road which is blocked off for official parades, close to the presidential palace. Small arms and RPGs rocket-propelled grenades were used in the attack," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Slash valu parast paikest from an undisclosed location.

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Now it is has been proved to them the Taliban not only have the ability to operate in the provinces, but even in Kabul," said Mujahid. Other soldiers and Karzai's bodyguards, dressed in black, took up firing positions on roads near the parade ground. Karzai has survived several assassination attempts since he came to power. USA meedias kerkis nädala lõpupoolel päevakorda Põhja-Korea tuumaprogrammi küsimus, kui tuli ilmsiks, et korealased on toetanud Süüria tuumareaktori rajamist.

Kirjutati olukorrast Aafrikas ja Zimbabwe kriisist. Euroopa riigid muretsesid eelkõige noorte demokraatiate - Ukraina ja Gruusia - saatuse pärast. Möödunud nädalal kerkisid taas päevakorda kahtlused Põhja-Korea tuumaprogrammi alase tegevuse jätkumisest. Hoolimata sellest, et Põhja-Korea allkirjastas eelmisel aastal kokkuleppe, millega loobus igasugusest tuumaalasest tegevusest, on USA nüüdseks jõudnud veendumusele, et Põhja-Korea on aidanud Süürial rajada tuumareaktorit, mille purustasid Iisraeli väed möödunud aasta septembris.

Juhtkiri, Washington Times, Ühendriigid polnud siiani tunnistanud Iisraeli mullust õhurünnakut Süürias asuva kahtlustatud tuumareaktori suunas, ent nüüd on luureüksused esitanud Kongressile videotõendid korealaste osalusest. Asjade selline käik näitab veelkord, Slash valu parast paikest USA valitsusel on kombeks hoida infot enda teada rahvusliku julgeoleku huvides, kuni lõpuks leidub poliitiline põhjus selle info avalikustamiseks. Põhja-Korea taotlused müüa tuumatehnoloogiat ja sellealaseid teadmisi Süüriale on maailma jaoks äärmiselt murettekitav.

Bushi valitsus pole kuue aasta jooksul suutnud Põhja-Koreaga tõsiseid läbirääkimisi pidada, selle tulemusena testis Põhja-Korea tuumaseadet. Nende protsesside edasist häirimatut arengut ei saa maailm Slash valu parast paikest enam lubada.

Juhtkiri, New York Times, Nüüd on läinud hoopis teisiti. Vaatamata sellele, et endine president Mugabe kaotas märtsi lõpus toimunud valimistel oma rivaalile Slash valu parast paikest, hoitakse ametlikke valimistulemusi siiani saladuses ning osades valimispiirkondades on isegi alustatud korduslugemisega. Hiina laevad veavad Mugabe toetuseks relvi ning valitsust toetavad relvastatud jõugud korraldavad riigi maapiirkondades vägivaldseid haaranguid, nõudes elanikelt parteikuuluvust tõendavaid dokumente ning tappes neid, kel jätkub julgust Mugabe kordusvalimiste vastu Slash valu parast paikest astuda.

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Zimbabwe kirikupead on esitanud palve rahvusvaheliseks sekkumiseks ning nõuavad õigete valimistulemuste avalikustamist. Juhtkiri, IHT, Maailm peab teadma, et Zimbabwes valitseb sügav kriis, mida ei saa enam edasi lahendada vaikse diplomaatia abil, see nõuab jõulisemat sekkumist. Morgan Tsvangirai, Washington Post, Möödunud kolmapäeval toimus Prahas Visegradi neliku välisministrite istung, kus arutati Ukraina ja Gruusia ning Visegradi riikide vahelise koostöö süvendamist.